Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

RingDesigner - Map Editor

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Lost Seedling:
Can anyone upload a simple, working example of Polyplates? I'm having trouble with it.

Add "function LevelLogic()" to it, as you can clearly see it's not there :P

Edit: But it isn't working very well, I get the error: "table index is nil" and it comes from line 12..

Lost Seedling:
That's what I'm talking about and I can't seem to figure out how to correct it, or at least don't have the patience to figure it out on my own.

Nor can I seem to get it to work. Sorry for the long wait and useless reply - RL conspired against me for the week, and I was in Cornwall for the weekend.

Lost Seedling:
I finally got around to fixing Polyplates.
Attached is a corrected demo including both DrawPoly and PolyPlates functions.
Thanks Pilchard123, wherever you are!


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