Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Eufloria Classic on OS X

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--- Quote from: Mv.c9 on September 21, 2011, 11:14:48 PM ---If an IT guy said Apple is bad, slap him in the face and tell him he lies. because its not bad, but not useful in our profession . . . i think you got what I mean right?

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This. I'm fine with Apple, and with Windows to a degree.

One problem is that Windows is used by so many people, which means that unless a software dev will favour Windows over Macs. However, the same holds true for the flip side of the coin. Windows, in being so widespread is therefore the target of a large proportion of malware and other unwanted stuff.

I'd use a Mac if I did things that a Mac was built for/if my interests were Mac-able. The thing is, though, they aren't. While I do mess with image editing and stuff, I don't do it nearly enough to warrant the outlay on a Mac. I do, though play lots of games and (more recently) do a fair bit of 3D rendering. For those, Windows wins. For the things Apple does well, I congratulate them. Unfortunately, those things are not the same things that I do.

Security isn't really a problem, as there's rarely ever any secret-worthy information on my (or my family's) machines. Anyway, that's why I scan any computers that we buy stuff from before we do.

Oh, and I like to be able to mess with the hardware too, which Macs just don't let you do.


--- Quote from: Andrew Rusin on November 09, 2011, 07:25:18 PM ---I took a look at the largest model dyson fan, and it definitely does not provide airflow anywhere near as much as a similar diameter conventional oscillating fan. I'll buy one only if the price goes down by a factor of 10 AND if they add more powerful internal fan to give it more 'thrust'. I would also like to see dyson incorporate ion-drive technology in their fans, otherwise caterpillar-drive technology.

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Yep, dyson fans are totally not worth it ^^

100% with you, Mr. Spammer.

Please be careful with quick accusations …

Andrew Rusin wrote something else, I think it was Eufloria-related, somewhere else here. AND there’s no spam link to be seen (or did you delete it, Pilchard123?), AND he doesn’t advertise Dyson fans, he rather bashes them ;)

In my book, fan-bashing is just as much advertising as promoting them. Just sort of anti-advertising.

Also, "ion-drive"? That's a theroetical spaceship engine, not a fan.


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