function LevelSetup() -- Set Global Values Globals.G.Asteroids=(0) Globals.G.EnemyFactionsMin=(1) Globals.G.EnemyFactionsMax=(1) Globals.Structures.LevelTime1=(10) Globals.Structures.LevelTime2=(20) Globals.Structures.LevelTime3=(30) Globals.Structures.LevelTime4=(60) Globals.Structures.SpawnTime1=(10) Globals.Structures.SpawnTime2=(9) Globals.Structures.SpawnTime3=(7) Globals.Structures.SpawnTime4=(5) Globals.Structures.FlowerProbability=(0) -- bug of note Globals.Structures.TreeCost=(15) -- Asteroid 0 - starting asteroid a = AddAsteroidWithAttribs(0,0, 0.7,0.6,0.5) a.Owner = 1 a.TreeCap = 3 a:SetRadius(250) a.SendDistance = 2500 a.seedlingcap = 10 a.spawncap = 10 a:AddSeedlings(23) end function LevelLogic() SetDysonTreeButtonAvailable(false) SetDefenseTreeButtonAvailable(false) SetFlowerDefenseButtonAvailable(true) SetFlowerSeederButtonAvailable(true) SetTreeInfoAvailable(true) SetEnemyInfoAvailable(false) SetCoreInfoAvailable(false) SetAttribsInfoAvailable(false) -- Greet the admin Timer1 = GetGameTime() + 5 while GetGameTime() < Timer1 do coroutine.yield() end Pause() MessageBox("Bug Report from riotpatriot part 2: Player still spend 10 seedlings to grow DEFENSE trees that require MORE") WaitDialog() MessageBox("The requirement for making a tree is currently 15. Do try to make a defense tree") WaitDialog() Unpause() roid = GetAsteroid(0) treee = roid:PlantDysonTree(1) treee:LevelUp() SetDysonTreeButtonAvailable(false) SetDefenseTreeButtonAvailable(true) while roid:GetNumDefenseTrees() < 1 do coroutine.yield() end SetDysonTreeButtonAvailable(false) SetDefenseTreeButtonAvailable(true) Timer3 = GetGameTime() + 10 while GetGameTime() < Timer3 do coroutine.yield() end MessageBox("As observed, the player only have to spend 10 seedlings to plant a 15-cost tree") WaitDialog() MessageBox("I have discovered this while making a screensaver level for Eufloria which has a random tree-cost for every new start. This might affect other custom levels that has a non-10 seed cost.") WaitDialog() MessageBox("-End of Bug Report- =)") WaitDialog() Quit(true) end