Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

All progress gone


Sewer Agent X:
I recently had to Ctrl Alt Delete my way out of Eufloria (it wasn't a fault with the game, I think my graphics card was having a fit or something) but have found that upon opening the game up again today to play it, I have lost all my mission progress. It's completely blank. Obviously this is really frustrating and, not only this, but I really enjoy the game but don't want to have to go through the missions I just completed over the last couple of days again. Is there anything I can do (which also won't stop future modes from unlocking such as 'Dark Matter Mode' and so forth?).

Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)

Did you update via Steam?

Have a look here several other threads on the steam forum.)

Hope that helps!

Sewer Agent X:
Yeah I only bought the game recently and it appears that Steam has download version 2.05 on top of the version I downloaded (2.06).  Unfortunately it appears I'm going through the same errors some people had a few years ago and were told would be fixed by a recent patch but for me Steam has downloaded an older version and installed it over the top of my latest version. It's a pain in the arse, but the game rocks so I guess I just have to deal with it. Thanks for your help though :)


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