You might be right actually.
Here's how I've been testing it:
If GetGameTime() > Timer + 0.01 then
Timer = GetGameTime()
<<run one pass (or frame) of the gravity engine>>
This code would mean it runs at up to 100 times per second.
If i change "0.01" to "0.02", ie 50 times per second, the gravity engine seems to run at half the speed - indeed if you look closely you can observe "juddering" as the game moves, pauses, moves, pauses.
However, using the value "0.001" doesnt seem any different to using "0.01".
By the way Alex, if I don't include a Rate Limiter then when I pause the game, the gravity engine keeps running - asteroids continue along their orbits, etc. Using a rate limiter set to "0.00" has no effect on gameplay but fixes this problem. Still, surely it should stop running Lua frames in that way when the game is paused..? Not a huge problem, as I say there is a perfectly good workaround..just thought I'd mention it.