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Dark Matter Mode - really, really easy
so far i've played in dark matter mode and i've found it overwhelmingly easy to the point it's not worth playing. i've just completed 'Fight or Flight' and i remember it was more tricky in normal mode. Does anyone think it's a error - or i'm brilliant?
also, the menu only starts with the 3rd mission 'greys' and the first 2 are not visible to play.
The first missions don't appear, because they only exist to teach the player, how to play(At least, it was what I supposed).
And yes, dark matter is fairly easy. Most of my levels were actually solved faster in DM, than in normal.
Either way, the campaign is pretty fast to play, a few cookies and some milk on the table, makes it possible in 3/4 sittings ^^.
And you always have costume levels ;-)
oh... so i'm not brilliant.
although having completed it, the earlier levels will appear easier now regardless of any increase in AI i suppose. the skirmish areas seem fun as well, but i'll look at custom levels later.
I acctually found the DM mode very hard the first time I played it, but thats when the game first came out, I believe I bought it on steam when it was on sale for the first time(preordering?), and after going through the campaign I tried level 3 DM mode, and it was unbeatable :P
Then I decided to make some maps I could play for fun, kept on for 2 days with that and then went back to WC3 TFT World Editor!
I guess we’ve got to keep in mind that all those levels were written using the “classic” game mode, not the new, faster, more aggressive game mode of v. 2.0.7.
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