Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

[MAP] Recursion (WIP)

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Good luck with that - in its current form the Infected AI is hopelessly difficult to integrate, and requires indepth conceptual knowledge about what is going on.  I'll be overhauling it soon, hopefully then it will be easier.. :>

I just downloaded your 'fixed' version, but this one still has a spurious 'if' on line 26. Otherwise, good stuff!

Oops, you're right. That's VB syntax, not Lua Script, and I was booted into my Mac partition at the time of making that change so I didn't test it after putting that if case in. I've updated it again and actually booted into Windows and made sure it's working this time.

crazy map. a bit too much movement... but playable

Similar to a lot of fractals, the map's meant to look quite crazy and chaotic when you first see it, but after watching it for a while you should be able to work out how the asteroids move, where they'll go and which asteroids they'll pass along the way.
The idea for map is to use the way the asteroids move to your advantage, and plan which asteroids to colonise and attack accordingly.

There's meant to be lots of movement, but at the moment it's too fast.

I haven't done any work on this since the last update as I've been a bit distracted modding the gravity engine annikk.exe made (you can find my mod here if you want to take a look).
I'll try and get some more work done on this soon though, as although it's playable in its current state there's still lots of stuff I need to finish and fix.

Some of the things that need to be changed / fixed include:

* Fix the asteroids send distances from ending up too big (not sure why this is happening ???).
* Increasing the distance between the asteroids.
* Slowing down the asteroid movement.
* Increasing the size difference between the asteroids between each depth level in the fractal.


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