Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
Ipad Custom Levels?
--- Quote from: Tomfloria on May 25, 2012, 07:37:56 PM ---And I've kinda figured out what function work, but it is limited! Not complaining though, I think first coding for iPad will get me to a beginner/intermedia coder ready for the more accessible PC version which can bring out some advanced coding!
--- End quote ---
Yeah IsIOS() is new for the iPad.
All our dirty code... EXPOSED!
Good job you guys didn't hide any secrets in the app. Or did you? :o
Quick note to remind people that the next build will break existing scripts.
We have no plans to further update scripting support on iOS (Sorry! Too many potential issues).
However, much of the remaining time on the new PC/Mac/Linux builds relates to a new game mode, levels and hopefully bringing modding support up to and beyond those of the original Eufloria. Scripting will remain LUA based and the current iOS scripts are more or less the style that will be used (I could do with tidying them up a bit).
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