Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
[Map Maker] EVE
This topic is going to be the main topic for EVE ("Eufloria Visual Editor"). EVE in it's current phase is actually quite usable and I have decided to allow everyone to get a peak of how it's going to be. For each version you'll be able to leave me with some criticizing feedback.
I will update this every day if I've worked on it, and when the full version is out I'll make it open source(Currently the code looks like trash).
A Warning:
- There may exist bugs or other annoyances, report these in a PM to me.
Shift when selecting an asteroid might be useful and holding shift while moving/placing asteroids might be useful.
Control(CTRL) clicking will allow you to select without any interference from used tool.
"G" will turn off and on grid.
"F" will turn off and on the stars, for low-end computers :)
"ESC" or clicking your middle mouse button will bring up the loading/saving/options menu. When loading a new map the old one(saved or not) is always saved(not overwriting though).
"F1" will bring up more information about memory use and your quality level(which only affects the visual trees for now).
--- Quote from: Installation ---1. Download the file (a . jar file).
2. Find the location of your Eufloria HD download.
3. Put the file in the "res" folder.
4. Run the file.
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(click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: Version 0.6 ---Kilobyte Count: 70,5kB
- F1 Information window
- You can move the menu buttons around by shift clicking them
- Added visual trees, it also comes with the option of turning it off(for performance's sake).
- Added a backdrop color change(Not included in any save formats, sorry).
- Tweaked a lot of stuff...
- Fixed the .lua save, it now saves all the current variables you would want.
- Fixed the .lua save yet again, forgot two pieces of code :/
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--- Quote from: Version 0.5 ---Kilobyte Count: 60,7kB
Recolored some things, added some minor details and fixed the menu looks and some minor menu bugs.
You can also move the asteroid statistics window now, you must have an asteroid selected and be in the menu, then you hold shift and press your left mouse button on the menu.
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--- Quote from: Version 0.4 ---Kilobyte Count: 59.5kB
Added more content to the menu, you can now change the resolution of the window.
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--- Quote from: Version 0.3 ---Kilobyte Count: 49.4kB
Using the menu(middle click or ESC) will allow you to both LOAD and SAVE maps. Maps are saved in two files now, one LUA and one EVE(the one that is loaded again).
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--- Quote from: Version 0.2 ---Kilobyte Count: 29.9kB
Second release, not first finished release.
This version CAN save the .lua data. With some few modifications you can play it on your Eufloria HD and Classic(Yes, their Lua codes have much in common).
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--- Quote from: Version 0.1 ---Kilobyte Count: 18.9kB
First release, not first finished release.
This version can't save any data.
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--- Quote from: Plans ---This is ordered by priority.
* Save function DONE(still missing some minor features in the .lua save!)
* Globals implemented
* Changing more of the asteroids DONE. If there is anything I missed, report it to me!
* Custom coding
* Adding pre written engines(when Eufloria supports it)
* Adding an equation to get an asteroid field(easy way to make fields formed like galaxies, etc...)
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May I suggest a function to back up existing map files (stored in the Win32 folder) and something to let the user swap between custom maps and real maps? When I get a chance I'll upload a copy of this folder in case someone loses them as well.
I would suggest that the arena levels are replaced for custom maps.
Also, on PC it's easy to do this. For Mac and Linux I don't know what people can do?
Unfortunately we can't quickly hack in a quick custom map loader at the moment. We really would if we could.
Aino - Eufloria has some code to ensure asteroids are reachable FYI.
--- Quote from: sillytuna on November 26, 2012, 07:31:20 PM ---Aino - Eufloria has some code to ensure asteroids are reachable FYI.
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I know about that code, it's been annoying each and every time I've made a new map.
The function you mentioned is actually something I hope to implement.
Also, could you sticky this thread if possible? :)
--- Quote from: Aino on November 26, 2012, 07:58:03 PM ---
--- Quote from: sillytuna on November 26, 2012, 07:31:20 PM ---Aino - Eufloria has some code to ensure asteroids are reachable FYI.
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I know about that code, it's been annoying each and every time I've made a new map.
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Sorry, I wrote utter rubbish. I checked the code - it doesn't move the asteroid, it increases the asteroid send distance.
For each asteroid, it looks to see if another asteroid can reach it. If no other asteroid can reach it, it extends the send distance on the original asteroid so that it's the distance to the closest asteroid.
There is a Move operation that is performed on initialisation which ensures asteroids are spread out by MinAsteroidSeparation. It's a while since I looked at that code so I can't confirm if it always runs etc or precisely how it works but I can look into it in future if you need me to.
--- Quote from: sillytuna on November 26, 2012, 08:33:30 PM ---Sorry, I wrote utter rubbish. I checked the code - it doesn't move the asteroid, it increases the asteroid send distance.
For each asteroid, it looks to see if another asteroid can reach it. If no other asteroid can reach it, it extends the send distance on the original asteroid so that it's the distance to the closest asteroid.
There is a Move operation that is performed on initialisation which ensures asteroids are spread out by MinAsteroidSeparation. It's a while since I looked at that code so I can't confirm if it always runs etc or precisely how it works but I can look into it in future if you need me to.
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I think I can leave the Eufloria Engine to do that, it's not necessary to do it if the engine do it for you :P
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