Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
user level downloads
the... whatever:
I think it would be cool, if there would be an ingame manager to download and vote user created levels. :)
That would indeed be nice, but I fear it would need a horrenduous amount of work and administration etc.
what we need is an updated and cleaner version of one of the threads on here already that details everyones user-made levels. except it needs to be written concisely and very easy to readl, stickied, and regularly updated.
i think it should be very simple, ie - USER LEVELS/ MAPS/ ?? > Map Name (A-Z) > optional description from designer and/or players, about each map, as time goes on.
perhaps ill look into that myself over the coming weeks and months and layout a simple thrad design for it...
@AWS: If you have any ideas to improve this thread I’d be happy to implement them. I admit that it may not be “clean” since I write more from heart and less from brain ;)
yes, in the next few weeks or so (after im a little more settled in my new place) ill start working on a simple, clean, and easy to read version of what you have done all the hard work on! :)
ill collaborate with you if you like so we can get a nice little thread going that people can understand. when ive made a first draught, ill show you and we can see what we like and dont like etc...
its boring stuff, but also kinda fun and definitely worth it for the user-made levels part of the game. easy access = more playing...
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