Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support
Laser mines/flowers not growing/detaching from trees.
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Basically here's what's happening. I can get flowers to grow. Usually. I can get laser mines to grow. Usually. Other times they get to the point where they look fully grown but they won't detach from the tree. I get the fact that only 5 laser mines will grow at a time. I get the fact that a defense tree will only grow 1 laser mine at a time. That's not the issue. I'm stuck on containment II (level 16) because I can't get all the laser mines I need to detach from the tree. I had 2 laser mines fully grow and detach on 1 planet, then on another planet there was a flower and a mine that flat out refused to detach from the tree. I could zoom in and see they were no longer growing.
What platform?
Sorry, windows 7. Steam to be more specific.
I can't help with that version I'm afraid. Rudolf has no broadband as he has just moved house so bare with him a few days.
If it's a bug I don't think much can be done about it now. Anything that crops up from the iPad version onwards means finger pointing this way tho, lol!
Today I managed to plant an extra tree on an asteroid. Good bug that!
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