Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

The "I want to but I can't" modding requests thread

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If you have a request for a modding feature that isn't in the game, put it here. I will do the ones that are within reason. Things like requests for powering the UI by Lua will probably not make it in due to how hard-coded that part of the game is... but please put them down anyway if that's what you want to do. It is good for me to know what people want.


Ok here's a continously updated summary of all the commands that I wish existed, in order of the importance I personally attach to them.  :P

* DrawLineBehind() and DrawSpriteBehind() commands!  Please see the discussions on this page of the thread for details.

* Bug Fix for mine:SendTo(Asteroid).  Currently the mine travels directly to the target asteroid, ignoring whether the send distance is big enough, and not bothering to travel via intermediary roids.
* Bug fix for RemoveSeedlings() command, which currently only removes some of the seedlings... an apparently random number.  For example if I have 50 seedlings and try to remove 50, I might be left with 42.
* Command to manually set the colour for a given Empire.  This would give designers greater creative control over how maps look.  If no colour is specified for the empire, a random one would be chosen.
* Command to capture key presses, EG "if player is holding down the "R" key, move asteroid 1 by 0,50".

* Command to trigger in-game sounds, eg the being able to trigger the 3-tone sound that is heard when you send seedlings from one asteroid to another would be helpful for player-made empire management tools like drag-selecting.
* Command to change the radius of the "atmosphere", ie the glow around asteroids.
* Command to move (not send) a given number of seedlings belonging to a given Empire from one asteroid to another asteroid.  More control over agents in general would open up a lot of possibilities.
* A way to differentiate between seedlings of different qualities when referring to them in scripts.  For example, it would be nifty if you could instruct seeds with a high speed stat/best overall stats/etc to travel somewhere, instead of just "seeds in general".

Major Cooke:
As mentioned in another post, customizable sounds via LUA. And perhaps, if eventually allowed in another milestone marker, the ability to create custom units... or does that fall under the "powering the UI by Lua"? (I assume it is, but bleh)

Also, what about using some of the new features for the regular single player levels? I'm still working my way through them and it'd be nice to see good examples on how they are used in the story.

I like to write pretty code. This means not hard-coding numbers, for example the number of asteroids I've added, but instead retrieve it from a function or variable. From what I see there is no GetNumAsteroids function. Or is the Globals.G.Asteroids increased when you call the AddAsteroid function?

waypoints? or perhaps a small set of variables that the player can alter themselves from the main menu. eg. enemy easy/med/hard. this many opponents. change  unit cap/ world cap, etc. so you tweak things to your personal taste.

but waypoints for me is the main one..


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