Are you ready for...
RingDesigner is a complete map editor which grants you the power to create maps very easy, either if it is on screen or when you look at the map code!
To start making maps, download and play it as a normal Eufloria Map :)
The controls are the same as RoidForge, if you haven't seen it:
1. Left click one of the tools in the top left.
2. Left-click to add and remove asteroids, or click-and-drag an existing asteroid when modifying its position, size and send distance.
3. If you want to select an asteroid without changing its properties, right-click it.
Thanks to Annikk.exe for making RoidForge in the first place, giving me a start, although I have written everything myself(except for some copy/paste snippets:P)
And thanks to Mihhaelo for acknowledging me about GetFactionColour(), not that I entirely understand it yet either :P
WARNING: When using RingDesigner, you'll need to restart the game after useage! For some reason when going from RingDesigner directly over to another map, you spawn asteroids whenever you click!!!
I hope I got you warned!
Somewhat a tutorial exist here, it has a very deep explanation on pictures!
Aino's Functions("Tutorial inside of the Spoiler for the map editor!) (
Current Version: 1.05
Added a color-scale to change the background.
*Changed save path from C disk to your Eufloria maps directory.
*Session, date and hour in the file name is replaced by a long series of integer(os.time())
Removed all of the commented function appearing for asteroid not owned by any faction(it's useless and lines/size consuming!).
Changed asteroid stats(not attributes!) display from LevelDrawing to ScreenDrawing, meaning you'll see text in the lower left corner of the screen instead of thext on the left side of the selected asteroid. - Thanks to Lost Seedling for doing it in the first place :)
I also added and ( or ( to show wether SENDDISTANCE and/or RADIUS will be injected in the code for that particular asteroid.
To get the X, or ignoring, you must set the radius to so low that you can't make it smaller(for safety sake, still selectable!) then the X should appear!
The senddistance is just to put the senddistance circle inside of the asteroid itself, then it shouldn't be visible anymore :P
Content added:
Made SendDistances beign set in LevelLogic for the final output, hoping it'll give more control for the people making maps!
Display of stats of the asteroids.
Official release:
Changeable properties of asteroids you can spawn/remove yourself.
A 100k² wide map.
Grids, which changes colours! :D
Alots of more stuff!!!