Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Lua scripting in Eufloria - reference

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That's a shame, spinning asteroids would have looked cool in the level I'm making. :(

I think the FacingAngle still retained the value I gave it though, so at least I won't have to create a separate array to store the angle values I'm using for my tree fractal algorithm. I'll also be making use of that new DistanceSquaredTo function in my algorithm too. :)

EDIT: Nope, the FacingAngle parameter stays at 0 no matter what you set it to. The DistanceSquaredTo function is also not working for me, as I get the following error message when I try to use it "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

You CAN rotate asteroids, but the trees and shrubbery and seedlings and everything else do not rotate with it.  Therefore because asteroids are circular, it effectively does nothing.

Is "Globals.Flowers.MaxVolume" exist in the game?

I just make a commands database in my Tools and set default value as in the game and found that only one field is not used which is Globals.Flowers.MaxVolume

I use default.xml to set default value.


PS. Sorry for my bad English

It does exist - it's used when flowers and mines are plucked, and for the flowers and mines loop sounds.

Alex, what does GetLeafColour(int) do?

I saw it in somebody's code.  I had no idea it was a command!  I gather it must be run on a tree.  What does it return?

If this could be used to check what colour a particular empire is, that would be very useful to me!


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