Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Limitations of the 3D Starfield Engine

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I don't know how to solve the problem or how yuo are thinking about this...

Drawing a line to the shape of a box ain't this hard, just have four points, draw from point 1 to point 2 and so on, when you reach the last point, jsut make it draw to the starting point.

But his might be wrong, as I got no idea what you're thinking of doing :/


--- Quote ---Drawing a line to the shape of a box ain't this hard, just have four points, draw from point 1 to point 2 and so on
--- End quote ---

The "and so on" part is what I am doing here.
I need to have a way to record which lines connect which points.  I need to do that not for just one object, but for all possible objects.

I am developing this system with a view to using it in a 3D coordinate system (at the moment I'm just working in 2D).

So you're going to have a cube, and then you need to draw behind every other point too?

Well, there is no real solution I can think of... *thinking like a train*

By the way, why do you want to have a fully 3D starfield? Making a starmap are we?

Ultimately I want to draw "Fluffy" on the side of a cube, and rotate the cube.  :P

The system I am planning will be wireframe only, though.  Surfaces will have to come much later, that's another massive leap onward once I've got wireframe down.  For surfaces, you have to calculate which surface is in front.  For surfaces that are partially behind, you have to calculate which parts of the surface are visible and which are not.  It's going to get a bit insane really..

But for now, wireframe is a good step toward a "true" 3D engine.  :>


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