Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What are you working on? :D

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Lost Seedling:

--- Quote ---...why not try to make something of your own?
--- End quote ---

Time- or lack of it, mostly. I do enjoy solving the puzzles of "how do I get this to do that?". But I've got so many other interests it could never be anything more than a side-activity as it is now. Also, after many decades of allowing my math skills to whither I'm afraid the learning curve at some point would be too great vs. the time I have to invest in it. At least with these Eufloria maps someone else might get some value out of my efforts! Speaking of which this last map will probably be the last I publish since you seem to be the only one left here!

I’m still reading youse, ye awesome folks ;) but I can’t remember when the last time was that I launched the classical Eufloria … it was so much more fun back then, with all your wonderful maps, than with what we have now (sorry @ devs).

Greetings, Tom in Germany
who meanwhile has re-discovered the game of Go (aka Igo aka Baduk aka Weiqi)

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote ---I can’t remember when the last time was that I launched the classical Eufloria...
--- End quote ---
And yet you keep leaving your goban to return here.

--- Quote --- ...than with what we have now...
--- End quote ---
Sorry, but I'm doing the best I can!


--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on August 19, 2015, 02:33:06 AM ---
--- Quote ---I can’t remember when the last time was that I launched the classical Eufloria...
--- End quote ---
And yet you keep leaving your goban to return here.
--- End quote ---
Heh — so you know Go :) If you’re ever up for a slow correspondence game, ping me on OGS (link below), but Im not a strong player, perhaps 11 or 10 kyu.

I never left the forum, am just reading, (after all it had become a duty after somebody made me mod ;) )

--- Quote ---
--- Quote --- ...than with what we have now...
--- End quote ---
Sorry, but I'm doing the best I can!
--- End quote ---
Oh, nothing for you to be sorry — I thank you and the other folks some of my finest game experiences. It’s just that at some time I saw seedlings everywhere, and I realised I needed to do something different.

The fact that the latest incarnations of Eufloria didn't allow (such easy) modifications is what let this community die, I think. So we got some (admittedly nice) bling bling, but somehow … the soul is gone.

Greetz, Tom

Lost Seedling:
Actually I've never played the game but find it's complexity and reputed AI-resistance intriguing. I'm afraid I would not be a very interesting opponent for someone at your level.

I agree it was unfortunate subsequent versions of Eufloria "classic" were not "moddable". After completing my current project, I suppose I'll join the ranks of the rest of this former community and retire from the mod-publishing business, but wonder if I'll ever grow tired of watching those seedlings battle it out.


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