Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support
Console / Achievements
So I was goofing off on a custom map you know adding seedlings and stuff and i ended up getting an achievement so yeah just came to say that if you cheat you still get achievements dunno if you guys want to fix that but there it is.
There was a discussion about this prior to the implementation of achievements.
At the time I felt, and still feel, that being able to get achievements from custom games makes cheating too easy - or even accidental - and reduces the value of the achievements.
I still think that achievements should be main game/dark matter mode only. Alex and Rudolf and several others disagreed, though, so this is the way it was done.
Yep annikk.exe has it right.
I think accidentally getting one is not ideal, but I also think if people want to use their mad coding skills to get the achievements that is a valid display of effort and should be rewarded :)
Similarly if people just want to grab a ready-made "achievement granter" level, that is up to them and only reduces the value of the achievements for that person IMO. We included the level unlock menu for the same reason - if people want (or need, through an update blunder >_<) to go straight to the end, that is their right as owners of the content.
God I'm such a hippie
--- Quote from: Alex on January 03, 2011, 07:07:16 AM ---We included the level unlock menu for the same reason - if people want (or need, through an update blunder >_<) to go straight to the end, that is their right as owners of the content.
--- End quote ---
You know, I'm fairly sure that was only a big deal to you and Rudolf. I mean, I didn't even notice when the levels got reset. :D The fact that you can just unlock it all means it's a complete non-issue.
Any people that hated on you for it just had too much time on their hands, and enjoy complaining. Don't take it personal. :> There are far more important things to worry about in life, and coding..
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