Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods

Calling all modders

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If you need help, I can help... It seems I got a lot of free time this summer :)

But... where did you get the source, Alex?
Also, if you can: add a layer rendering system, that things are rendered layer by layer, making overlapping an avail to modders... if that takes too much effort, just add a PreRender function(executed before asteroids & game entities are rendered) and call the current render function PostRender or something. It will work just like the other render, but allows for things like Annikk's starfield and things you would like behind an asteroid to be rendered without consuming tons of CPU power and to be easier to code.

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Alex on July 02, 2012, 04:33:07 AM ---I would say a good thing to do would be to allow seedlings or perhaps a more basic game entity class to substitute their render or update functions with a lua function. In this way the modders would have total control over a game entity.

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I don't know what that means, but I've found using the Draw functions to a certain degree has a crippling effect on framerate. The rendering of "game entities" obviously does not suffer that problem. What you're saying would seem to indicate the opposite of what would be desired- the ability to draw and render/update without the current limitations on game performance caused by the Draw functions. I'm probably misunderstanding your statement, though.

Nevertheless, as beautiful as the game is in it's visual simplicity, I certainly would like to have ways to alter it's appearance and create more varied and stimulating imagery.


--- Quote from: sillytuna on July 02, 2012, 06:25:44 AM ---Rudolf, have you designed a sequel yet?

Multiplayer, editor, proper custom user level/campaign system, and modding additions are all on the list!

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Yeah, all the ideas and mechanics that did not make it into the original game. :-D

There were some wacky ones too, like, on taking down an enemy tree the game view would switch to the inside of an asteroid, which consisted of a WHOLE NEW GENERATED LEVEL, where the player would play a game similar to tower defense.
We also talked about the level select screen actually being a galaxy, and clusters of space would get into reach of each other just like asteroids offer a sphere of influence in the levels. So in that case the level progress would be completely non linear.
We also talked about modifiable seedlings, and that players could launch a mother tree into new areas of space, with the seedlings they had modified already, into tough new areas.
Then there was the idea to allow the player to keep on playing after conquering a full level, but rather than conflict based it would be a number of mechanics that mean they could create new seedlings/trees/flower types by recombining and splicing. Evolutionary gardening really.

I can go on for a few pages with other ideas I had?


--- Quote from: Rudolf on July 03, 2012, 05:12:42 PM ---I can go on for a few pages with other ideas I had?

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Oh, please do, Rudolf, I find this fascinating, and the more wondrous things you tell, the more we all might want to have them in the sequel, NOW, and for OS X and iOS, too ;D

So are those ones you posted just the wacky ones, or are they ones that didn't get into the original game? Or both, either way.


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