Euflorium: The Eufloria Community
Eufloria => Eufloria Classic => Eufloria Classic Mods => Topic started by: Alex on February 12, 2009, 11:04:47 PM
Hi everyone,
To install custom levels into Eufloria, you need to put the level files into the Maps directory, which is in the Resources directory in the location where Eufloria was installed.
To be clear, the following example is incorrect:
C:\Program Files\Eufloria\Maps
And this is correct:
C:\Program Files\Eufloria\Resources\Maps
Levels with both XML and Lua components should have the same filename except for the extension.
The levels should appear in the Custom Levels section of the main menu when you open it.
We have provided a copy of the main story mode levels as a starting point for you. You can also find stuck threads describing some common script examples and documentation of the Lua functionality we have in Eufloria.
Post back with questions :)
Remember that the filenames of both the .lua and .level should start with "Level_" else they won't show up.
*This might be common knowledge for most of you, but mr. Doh here likes to rename everything and hence wasn't able to play custom maps. :)
Huh? ok, will fix that. that shouldn't be true. Sorry >_<
I've done all of these things to the 2 custom maps that I downloaded... I got them to start showing up on the custom levels menu...
But now when I try to run them the menu simply disappears and I am stuck looking at the manilla title-screen background. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this.
I have created the "C:\Program Files\Eufloria\Resources\Maps" directory and downloaded a bunch of .lua files into it but none of them appear on the Custom Levels selection in Eufloria. Is there something else I need to do? :-[
Where have you install the game?
if you install example
than is your map H:\ABC\Eufloria\Resources\Maps
Right. It is installed in the "C:\Program Files\Eufloria\" directory. So the files are where they are supposed to be but it still doesn't work.
That's strange - you're definitely sure the lua files are in the inner maps directory, not the one in C:\Program Files\Eufloria? Does the custom levels menu have any other maps in it?
I figured it out. I had two installs of Eufloria and I was putting the custom levels in the install that I was not actually running.
When I put it in the other directory it worked OK.
I've done all of these things to the 2 custom maps that I downloaded... I got them to start showing up on the custom levels menu...
But now when I try to run them the menu simply disappears and I am stuck looking at the manilla title-screen background. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this.
Guys, I have the same problem here and i seriously need help, please (btw, ITS MY BDAY!!!)
Happy Birthday, killybilly, and: Have you read this thread to the end?
K, sorry, I'm out of ideas :-!
Don't forget to update to the latest version of Eufloria.
I have put a whole bunch of custom maps here: C:\Program Files\Eufloria\Resources\Maps and they are not showing up in my game. I have renames SOME of them with the Level_ before the name and it didn't work either. Please see attached screenshot of the map folder.
Any advice would be wonderful!
In the “Maps” folder, create a subfolder “Custom Maps” and put all the custom maps here, then it should work. (You can even create more subfolders in the “Custom Maps” folder, if you like.)
HTH, Tom
Ok, so it turns out that if you buy the game through Steam they have multiple directories. Steam users have to install maps here...
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\eufloria\Resources\Maps
Thanks for the help!
Eric ;D
And what about Ubuntu? Does anybody knoes?
Hello guys ! :)
I was wondering, is that impossible to install custom maps on eufloria HD ?
I wanted to try to beat the "Infinity" level (which is soooooo great 8) ) after years of not playing the game. I now have Eufloria HD and I can't see customs levels anymore...
Do I have to play on Eufloria classic and so a previous version ?
It is not possible. You will have to play custom maps on Eufloria Classic.
Actually, you can. I mean, you CAAAAAN, but it's not going to be the same.
The maps are still in lua code, yet the game changes the variables and classic maps won't work on HD without some tweaking to the code. Some functionality, actually a lot of functionality, is not present in HD; which means the map can't stay the same.
This means custom maps works on Eufloria HD, yet the old maps you know and love will most likely not work. And you need to use the campaign levels for custom maps, as there is no other places to access maps.
Aino, I think Cercentil meant "Is it possible for a mere mortal...".
The current Eufloria (RPG) work is -heavily- moddable. Still quite a bit to do on that front but I'm looking forwards to seeing what people can do.