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Eufloria => Eufloria Classic => Eufloria Classic Mods => Topic started by: Aino on March 23, 2011, 02:42:35 PM
Welcome aboard, commander.
In Solar Conquest, you fight to dominate solar sytems. And the map is huge, VERY VERY HUGE!
Solar Conquest includes:
- A big map, very big. But varies because of:
- Randomly generated map, which includes:
- One BIG asteroid(star) and other small asteroids(planets).
- The map does not have any gravity, custom AI or parallax.
Hope you enjoy!
By the way, I'm open for ideas, so please just post back here and I'll add it, though there are limits...
Update 1: Balanced a little bit, now every staring systesm will have all the attribs on every roid(planet) over atleast 0.5!
Update 2: Added another 50 starting seedlings for the enemy, hopelyfully this will make them survive at start...
Well, I'll repeat here;
Thankyou for running with the idea and I think it works well as it is, without any custom mechanics. Since you start off small and get attacked by much more powerful seedlings I think IAI (either version) would make it near impossible. Gravity would mess up the layout of the map, meaning no point in adding that, so it's only the parallax left that might add something... but since it's such a large map it can already lag a bit when zoomed well out. I think any of annikk's mechanics you added would actually make it worse ;)
Great job on it. Oh, I also like that you've made the "stars" with a one tree limit. It helps to limit the number of super-powerful seedlings whizzing around ^^
Thanks, I'll thank you for the idea... Well, inspiration. I didn't make this without you pointing the idea out in the first place.
EDIT: And if you download, don't like the size of stuff or so, you can change some of the values in the map(lua file) :)
DEJAVU LOL MY IDEA hmmm ::) ??? :o
i like it =) ;D :D
hmm i love it but i see problems ::: i started got to a big asteroid conker d it then won?
Mhm, ye... Play it again... I gotta make every starting position simple to overcome. The AI don't care for the stars...
I'll add this bad boy asap...
I have a problem with this map.
As soon as I have conquered maybe a dozen planets around the first sun, it says COngrats you won the stars, let's go to galaxies, or somethin g similar.
Then quits to menu.
Yeah, I'll fix that immediatly... Hopelyfully it won't take long :)
Oh, yes, please do, I had just found this one and downloaded it.
Perhaps you could append “(Map)” or “(Level)” to the title of your opening post so that it can be found easier in the list of topics?
Done :)
Though there should be two subforums in the "User levels and modifications" forum: "Maps" and "Help"
Done :)
Thx :)
Though there should be two subforums in the "User levels and modifications" forum: "Maps" and "Help"
This has been talked about, but currently there really is not a lot traffic here … (BTW I wonder where all the ppl are) … and Forum admin seems to be quite busy currently w/ other work.
Yeah, but it's always a nice idea to keep stuff clean :)
I enjoyed the 1.5-2 hrs I played it. But then, after I had conquered all “suns” and their “planets” … no winning condition? I had to kill the game …
But still a nice level!
No winning condition? But still, as always: You know when you are defeated(and I ain't that good at writing ending texts either xD) :)
“You defeated all the others and will become rich and famous!” will do ;D
All your base are belong to us?
Lol... Well I currently don't have any plans for a winning condition... Why do you need it?
Mh… “need” … it’s more that I just don’t like having to kill a game, it’s not that I’m a terribly orderly person, but w/ computers and software I prefer to have it clean, not having to force-quit software, etc., etc., and this seems so much like force-killing something.
Well, just forget that I mentioned it ;D I had lots of fun playing the level. (If only it would tell me that I’m the greatest after having conquered everything :P )
All your base are belong to us?
youtube it >.> lol
Do you have to necro everything?
Do you have to necro everything?
He's a priest, he resurrects them :D
It's better than making a whole new thread about it though, agree?