Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Screen glitchy on windows 10 home


When I reach the home page of Eufloria and anything past it (actually playing the game) the screen begins to constantly flicker with long bars of distortion. How can I fix this?

Hello Wordlesschaos,

please check your Eufloria settings … do you, perchance, have set “level of detail” to “artsy”? If yes, then please try setting it to “high” (i.e. one lower).

This is just a shot in the blue … if it doesn’t help, somebody more knowledgeable than me will have to help troubleshooting.

Good luck, Tom

(My setting: Eufloria HD on OS X)

No, it was already at high. I switched lower just to check and it has no affect.

Is anyone else , say the proper Eufloria people, going to help or is it just "Oh well. You're screwed."?

Try updating your graphics drivers.


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