Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

[MAP] Recursion (WIP)

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This is the level I've been making over the past couple of days.

It's still a work in progress at the moment, but the current features of note are:
- A tree fractal algorithm to move asteroids in recursive orbits.
- Utility and feature functions for more modular code (not very neat at the moment).
- A debug mode for troubleshooting. This allows for things like the values of variables to be written out to a text file so you can check that they hold the expected value when the level is running.

Plans for future updates:
- Remove the "write debug info to file" thing and implement some live debugging tools instead for creating custom patterns (i.e. colour coded lines showing which asteroids are within range of each other and indicators showing which asteroids are colliding or too close to each other).
- Consolidating all of the fractal methods and attributes into a class.
- Add ability to pick from multiple fractal patterns at the start of the level, including one that uses the system clock to control asteroid positions (and also tweaking the send distances, distance between asteroids, asteroid movement speed and size differences in the original pattern).
- Integrating annikk's Infected AI (v2!).


* BUGFIX: Stopped crash on startup when failing to create debugging file while not in debug mode.2010/08/04:

* Initial beta release.

one thing to tell : :o OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

at the risk of sounding stupid, i didnt understand a word of your post and what this file does exatly, but it sounds great!

To make this work, I had to comment out this line at the start of the file:

--- Code: ---io.output("Output/Recursion Level Output.txt")
--- End code ---

After that it worked good.  :>  Impressive stuff dude...  Looking forward to hearing how you get on with this :>

I probably should try and word it better... I wasn't sure how to describe it myself really.

At least Alex should understand the first part about the tree fractal algorithm as the trees in Eufloria look to be generated using a similar algorithm, especially the ones from earlier in the games development like these two below.

I've just done a quick fix incase anyone was getting a particular error that would stop them from being able to play the level.
I'm planning on implementing some proper error handling for this soon, so if you were getting this error with the first version of the level then you still won't be able to run the level in debug mode unless you change the file path for the debugging file. I'm hoping the next fix will also stop the bug that seems to stop info from being written out to the debugging file half the time.

EDIT: @annikk.exe I realised that may happen so in the current version I've put it in an if case so that it's only run in debug mode now, but it seems you found out about it just minutes before I was able to post the new version with the temporary fix for it.
BTW, at some point I'd like to integrate your Infected AI to see how well it handles this scenario of having 39 of the 40 asteroids in a level in constant motion. :)


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