Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What are you working on? :D

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Awesome to see that you folks are still here … and I dearly hope to see some more up-to-date “euflorious” stuff from youse.


--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on May 07, 2015, 12:28:56 PM ---Aino, the 3D cubes you and Annikk have created are fun to play with, but I can't see them adding widespread value to Eufloria gameplay as constructed. However, I can see a LOT of possibilities if the objects were rendered in LevelDraw and rotated in conjunction with asteroid-plane scrolling. This would allow a map-maker to construct 3-dimensional playing fields similar to a game board with 3D objects, for example, or something similar to The Prisoners map graphics. Can you adjust the rotation so that one face is "fixed" to the asteroid plane?

I can also envision a 3D version of the Eufloria Arts Project allowing a map-maker to easily construct complex 3D polygons for map designs or illustrations. That would open up a lot of creative possibilities for entertaining eye-candy.

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I believe all you need to do is change "ScreenDraw()" with "LevelDraw()". I can release a version which allows all of these things on the playing field rather than the HUD :)

I have already created more things with this 3D rendering method, like a moving background of stars(3 points for originality!), but this is not a flat plane of stars like Annikk's starfield, rather a sphere with a thick outer layer of stars, and the sphere rotates around the camera. The downside is the cost of comparing distances vs asteroids :(

And one more thing, polygons is likely not going to exist in Eufloria (atleast solid ones), sadly the functions we have now makes it impossible to render polygons, unless you fill every single pixel with colored rectangles(very slow!)

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Aino on May 08, 2015, 12:57:06 AM ---
I believe all you need to do is change "ScreenDraw()" with "LevelDraw()". I can release a version which allows all of these things on the playing field rather than the HUD :)

I have already created more things with this 3D rendering method, like a moving background of stars(3 points for originality!), but this is not a flat plane of stars like Annikk's starfield, rather a "sphere" with a thick outer layer of stars, and the sphere rotates around the camera. The downside is the cost of comparing distances vs asteroids :(

And one more thing, polygons is likely not going to exist in Eufloria (atleast solid ones), sadly the functions we have now makes it impossible to render polygons, unless you fill every single pixel with colored rectangles(very slow!)

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Yes, I've tried playing around with the code and LevelDraw() works fine, but I don't know how to control the rotation in the desired manner. And yes, I realize "solid" polygons are not likely, but I'm referring to "transparent" ones if that is the correct terminology. Although, if Annikk had been able to perfect his attempts to "hide" the hidden edges during rotation that would have been an adequate alternative.

I'm looking forward to seeing if your other version works as adverstised. (Feel free to add a few comments in the code to point dummies like me in the right direction for future modifications.) ;)

Lost Seedling:

--- Quote from: Bonobo on May 07, 2015, 09:16:24 PM ---Awesome to see that you folks are still here … and I dearly hope to see some more up-to-date “euflorious” stuff from youse.

--- End quote ---

Speaking for myself, I anxiously check the Euflorium every day in my own hopes of seeing some new content. I fully understand Aino's above reference to "amazement" and the "out of this world" pleasure he derives from the process of turning an idea into digital reality via careful and precise mathematical figuring. Unfortunately, as you and Pilchard123 have noted in the past, "real life" interferes with the time I can devote to such pleasure. Although I have numerous ideas on cool new maps and content, I'm afraid my math and coding skills are far too poor to make them a reality in a reasonable time I can devote to such efforts. I "know" they can be done but I'm just too inefficient at the coding process to do it. So, I'm afraid it's unlikely you'll see anything substantial from me in the foreseeable future.

That being said, I do run Eufloria AI war simulations nearly every day, and it kills me to know Aino has a new super-formidable AI but won't unleash it.

For you lovely regulars, all of us working on Eufloria in various ways are doing it as one of a number of game and non-game projects so things take longer than we'd like.

Rudolf has no less than 3 games in the works!!!


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