Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods


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The map gets easier and easier as I grow more and more better tactics against this furious AI... I just feel a need to spoil it, but I won't :)

Alex and I have a rather full plate of work at the moment furiously getting the psn version ready for release but I do wish I had some time to play this.
I think I need to clone myself.


No worries Rudolf.. :>  It'll still be here when you guys finally get to take a breather.

By the way, any idea when the PSN version will be done?  :>  Anyone know when the release date is..?

Edit - ah... Spring 2011.  Could be a month or two yet, then...

Is it just my eyes fooling me, or does the stars MOVE in the distance even if you're not moving the camera? :D

Sometimes they do.. :>


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