Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Support

Slow Performance on Linux

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Cheers for that info Wogan, the world of Linux is evidently a strange and complicated one!


--- Quote from: Alex on February 14, 2009, 07:38:19 PM ---Cheers for that info Wogan, the world of Linux is evidently a strange and complicated one!

--- End quote ---

It is. Over 300 distros, about 12-odd different core distros, and just about each and every one of them handles something differently :-\. Chances are you'll never be able to support them all 100%, but if I can make a suggestion, just focus on Red Hat (.rpm files) and Debian/Ubuntu (.deb files). From there, there are little patches and fixes and things that'll make them work on most of the Linuxsphere.


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