So I was playing this in advanced web design the other day, and I was almost done with the 5th level, but I needed more to do because I couldn't stop playing, so I decided to make one. I mean, I already know java, and this looked way easier than that, so why not? I was going for a capture-the-Flag level, but I realized I would need some object to act as the flag, and the game didn't already have one of those, so I settled for this.
It is more of a capture-the-enemy-base, type of thing, but I thought it was fun. It has a pretty moderate difficulty in my opinion, so it may be too easy for you guys. You start on the far right of the level, and your goal is to capture the enemy base on the far left.
Let me know what you think, and tell me what you think I should do to raise the difficulty a little bit.