Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Defence Tree
--- Quote from: Alex on February 10, 2009, 03:31:52 PM ---A couple of rule changes that will probably go into the next version:
- trees won't disappear when you lose control of an asteroid (although one may have to be destroyed in order to take it in the first place)
- defense trees will probably change completely from homing missiles to something else
--- End quote ---
I'm kinda split on the disappearing trees. On one hand, free trees when you capture an asteroid would be nice (but I'd hate to see my seedlings take out a tree right before I capture it), and on the other, I'm wondering how this affects the balance of the game.
At the moment they break off the attack on trees if there's a route down to the core. ;D
Well, the game is currently unbalanced and does not really support power struggles after the early stages. You can win very often by just patiently building a huge army and crushing the enemy when you have done so. There are a number of things we have planned to make the game more exciting and balanced thoughout and this one will increase the level of interesting strategy. If this is put into place takeovers can happen if you don't guard your asteroids well.
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