Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support
Android Owners
If you have lots of seedlings you do tend to have to stay more zoomed out (and use lower graphics/lod options if it's a problem).
Finally think the bug causing UI performance issues is fixed. Will confirm and update the bundle build tomorrow.
--- Quote from: Apportable on November 22, 2012, 12:31:44 PM ---@rcpa0 - We were not able to reproduce issues #1 and #3 on our Galaxy S3 testing device. However, it does appear that it's not possible to select artifacts, so we'll look into this. We'll have an update out soon that fixes a bunch of issues, and hopefully it will help with some of the issues you're experiencing.
EDIT: We were able to select artifacts on the Galaxy S3 after colonizing the relevant asteroid by planting a tree. Did you try planting a tree before attempting to select the artifact?
--- End quote ---
I just tried on a lost outpost on level 9. It's an orange one on the bottom center large asteroid. The artifact cannot be clicked either before I planted anything--there were already two--or after I planted the maximum.
Have you zoomed in and is it already open? I've never seen them go wrong so far.
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