Aino, I've played this map now a good number of times and have noticed a few definite strengths and weaknesses in MAI.
A very good tactic it uses, intentionally or not, is to keep the seedlings in near-constant motion for a good portion of the game. Although not necessarily attacking an enemy asteroid, by keeping the seedlings in between asteroids, it avoids having asteroids reach the seed cap and thus no longer generating new seedlings. As you can see in the attached (labeled) picture, even though MAI was not expanding to new asteroids between the times of C and D, it continued to generate seedlings between times A and B beyond what the asteroids would normally hold. It did this by constantly keeping the seedlings in motion.
The unfortunate thing it does, however, is fail to expand aggressively when it has the opportunity. As you can see, it had numerically superior forces for the majority of the game, but would not attack en mass to overcome my weakly-defended front. This is something Infected is very, very good at. When MAI does attack, it unfortunately splits it's forces as if it is still expanding it's empire. So, even though it is numerically superior, it often would only send half of it's force to my asteroid, and send the other half back to the rear. This is very effective when expanding it's empire, but not so much later in the game.
I should point out that this technique of splitting forces more evenly around the empire does have an advantage when there are multiple fronts. One way of defeating Infected is by baiting it to send all it's forces in one direction, while amassing an overwhelming force to attack it's then weakly-defended area. So both methods have their benefits. But MAI fails in that when it DOES attack a heavily defended asteroid, it often fails to send a numerically superior force when one is readily available.
I've also noticed that although your recent update to MAI has improved it quite a bit, it still seems content at times to go into a sort of deep-freeze, as if it is no longer "thinking". Either that, or it just keeps moving seedlings around it's own Empire, as noted above.
That all said, I do find this map challenging to win against MAI. If MAI stayed more active in the latter stages, it would (for me) be very difficult.
I'm looking forward to observing more AI behaviors once the Web Wide Wars is finalized!