Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

seeding to infinite

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hey i need a help here,i want to know how am i going to increase the maximum seedling number instead of having only 32

but im a kinda noob at modding so i will need very precise and full instructions PLLLLEEEAASSEEE   :'( :'(

sorry for my english (damn i need to practice it a bit ;))

32 is a hard limit in the code at the moment. This may change in the future, it's just an arbitrary number I picked one day and hasn't had any design input from Rudolf yet, although I am aware that he doens't mind it too much.

I always liked the number 32, especially since my Quake modding days.
42 is a cool number as well though.

thanks,well im going to wait till it doesnt happens

It'll be great also if the birth rate would lower as the total number of seed get closer to the limit.


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