Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

RingDesigner - Map Editor

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Did we agree about that? o.O

I can't remember...

I've been thinking, I might implent an easy way to do gravity, just drag lines and test for result :D

The test will be in the editor, so you can see if it behaves how you wanted, else back to drawingboard!

I can't promise anything though :/

New update, nothing big though, but very useful!

I'm always thinking of making that gravity thing, lots of more people would use it too if it was easier to implent. And when I'm thinking of it all that time it'll be added, but not certain when!

Considering the gravity thing waiting for "From Dust" to be released on steam in 3 hours, you guys think I can do it?

And LostSeedling: THANKS SO MUCH for all the stuff you do, keep it up!

Heres some cool things I'll add to vizualize the Gravity, I've always wanted to make this!

Ignore the arrow flying through meaning light being affected by gravity(very strong gravity then!)

I hope you see what I mean :P


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