Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Eufloria pictures.

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I am using some of the developer's steam screenshots and adding them to wikipedia. Screenshots make it a lot easier to understand gameplay.

I'm not sure of the copyright issues in steam, but if you feel it's an issue say and I can pull them down.

If anyone has any especially pretty screenshots add them here and I'll use them or add them to wikipedia.

Is this spam? I got unsure when I saw Ytaker's amount of posts xD Well, why just randomly drop this here anyways?

Well, it's not really that random knowing Ytaker made a previous thread about the changes they were making to Eufloria's wikipedia page. ;)

I haven't seen that post o.O

Yeah, I was gonna post it that one but it said I was bad for not posting in it for so long and that I should have called and that i was so ungrateful for what it had done for me so I ran.

My mind is elsewhere now, as you can see.

Edit. This


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