Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

What are you working on? :D

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Wow, this thread took off fast.. :>

Widget, I know a nifty trick for positioning asteroids that you might like:

1.  Load your level.
2.  Turn on developer mode by pressing CTRL-D.
3.  Press F4 and turn off camera limiting, then zoom out so you can see the asteroids.
4.  Press F12 to activate little tooltips next to each asteroid, showing their ID numbers and current X/Y coordinates.
5.  Now open the console, and enter commands such as these:

--- Code: ---GetAsteroid(37):MoveTo(7530,-1900)
--- End code ---
to place the asteroid at those coordinates, or...

--- Code: ---GetAsteroid(37):MoveBy(50,0)
--- End code ---
to nudge it east a little.

6.  Move all the asteroids around in this way until you are happy with their positions.
7.  Now just write down all the coordinates of the asteroids as you see them on the tooltips.
8.  Edit the level file and enter the coordinates you just wrote down.  :>

I am working on optimizing the 3D Starfield engine.  Right now with more than about 20 asteroids onscreen it runs unacceptably slow, even with fairly sparse stars.  :/


--- Quote from: AWS on February 02, 2011, 03:04:02 AM ---dude, this idea is similar to what i wanted to do. i cant wait to see it. as you say, if you can get the balancing right, it should be most excellent. i wish you luck.
looking forward to its eventual release...

--- End quote ---

The first version is going to be horrendously primitive. The idea is to be using it as the environment to practice annikk's lessons so it'll start as just some asteroids dumped into a map then gradually develop and balance as I get a better understanding. I'll probably try putting IAIv2 in eventually though it'll probably be tricky reigning it in enough to retain the clean separation of early and late game. It would break the balance a little to be invaded by a late-game empire while you're still gathering weak seedlings to control the main asteroid  ;)

--- Quote from: annikk.exe on February 02, 2011, 03:11:38 AM ---Widget, I know a nifty trick for positioning asteroids that you might like:

--- End quote ---

Thankyou for the point-by-point, that'll be easier to refer back to while I practice. I've been wanting to get back to work on it but by the time I get home in the evenings I'm too tired to think clearly, it's been taking ages to get very little done. Took me nearly an hour just to back-calculate the APR on my ISA today :D Should quiet down after thursday, though, so I'll get properly rested and devote a long weekend to getting the basics done and playing around with seedling numbers.

Working on implementing multiplayer and waiting for Alex to respond to my PM.  Also debating wether I should have sent a PM to Rudolf, or just used emails all together instead of PM'ing.  o-o;

You could possibly, with a bit of hackishness make it so that the IAI only come into play in the late game, but I don't really know how...

Also, multiplayer is not supported, and very likely won't be.

I'd be interested to know how you're trying it, Inumedia.. :>  Welcome, by the way..  ^_^

Alex and Rudolf are super-busy working on getting Eufloria onto the Playstation Network right now, so I wouldn't be surprised if it takes them a while to respond.


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