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Phage Wars - We got competition

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Dead dyson fans and developers,

today I have seen a game called "Phase Wars" by Armor Games. It has almost the same gameplay as Dyson, just without trees.
It is a minigame without any big explinations like you can find them 1000x on and stuff.

However, the game is way faster than Dyson but makes the unit control better (and faster) than we do.
I cannot explain it very good, so please play it and you will see.

Maybe the Dyson team can learn something from "Phage Wars" which can make Dyson better. :)


Dyson is suppose too be slow, so you actually have to think before you act. Phage wars is nothing but clicking on the cells or whatever as fast as possible.

That was awesome. I beat it in about 40 minutes. It was annoying to have my selection nullified when one of the constituent planets was taken over, and it was annoying to have to click twice just to send once, but the ability to send from several cells was very nice.

One of the things we want to do (or at least, this is the way I see it) with Dyson is to allow strategic players to succeed more, but still allow players who don't care about that to win by force of numbers (at least up to a point), and that's a really difficult thing to achieve. Allowing players more ways to send big swarms of units will really emphasize strength in numbers over strategic play, so we're still looking at this really.

Phage Wars is next in a long line of flash-based Galcon clones - it's definitely closer to Galcon than Dyson. I do like Armorgames though, they really get hold of the best flash gaming content. Thanks for the link!


--- Quote from: Candlejack on January 24, 2009, 03:14:25 AM ---Dyson is suppose too be slow, so you actually have to think before you act. Phage wars is nothing but clicking on the cells or whatever as fast as possible.

--- End quote ---
Why are you attacking me? Do you think I am stupid? Did I say, that Dyson has to be as fast or simple as Phage Wars? No!
I just wanted to show you a game which, in my intention, is kind of similar to Dyson.

And I thought that maybe the developers can take some inspiration out of it.

I didn't mean that ill!

Haha, AriesT I think you misunderstood his statement, he was not attacking you at all.

Anyway, here is another game which looks kind of similar to Dyson:
Mayhem Intergalactic


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