Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
[Map Maker] EVE
Now, go make your maps! With 0.6_1 maps will save properly :)
Just promise me to add Globals.G.Asteroids = 0 or Globals():Get("Game"):Set("Asteroids", 0) at the beginning of the code.
And on this note, I'll also take a break from this coding project. :)
Although I looks like I won’t have the time to play around with this for a looooong time I’d still like to thank you!
--- Quote from: Aino on December 20, 2012, 02:20:36 AM ---[..]
Just promise me to add Globals.G.Asteroids = 0 or Globals():Get("Game"):Set("Asteroids", 0) at the beginning of the code.
--- End quote ---
I think you might want to add this to your opening post.
Greetings, Tom
I think it might be better to put some codes , maybe as less as possible, in the LevelLogic to make sure the level can run , even if we do nothing in coding before playing the level.
I've updated it agian. The update is just a fix of the .lua file, it adds MoveAble = false and a coroutine in the commented while loop.
Is there a manual? Always good to have a manual :-)
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