Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Are we going to get Eufloria HD on PC?

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PC version is done other than final Steam integration, Mac version has known one bug to fix, Linux version in progress - our first time creating a Linux build so it's build issues rather than code since we know that already works on Linux.

Most of the work was pushing in joypad support, yikes!

(This is essentially the Humble Bundle version)

BTW EA isn't done, the PSM version is which is kind of an alpha version really. It's not the finished article yet. It is now running on PC, Mac, Linux in theory, iOS, and web browser though - which is kinda cool! I've moved the code to Unity. This is highly moddable :) You can do all your own artwork, stories, tree configurations, enemies, AI, etc.

The future for Eufloria is under discussion. I'd like to get the old Steam version updated with the code that runs elsewhere, then push our other ideas to a sequel now.

As always, anyone who asks nicely and offers to test can have any new version free when we announce any alpha/beta testing.


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