Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Android: Transferring Saves


For those wishing to transfer saves across their Android devices, Apportable say:

--- Quote --- The user data files for Eufloria HD should be located at this filepath: /data/data/com.omnilabs.eufloria/files.  However, there is no way to access these files without rooting your device(s) or using the Android software development kit (SDK) tools. These are the files that would need to be copied in order to transfer a save between devices.

--- End quote ---

We have some major updates to do in 2013 so this may get looked at again.

Also, remember you can unlock everything from the Options-Unlock Levels menu.

That might somewhat answer the very question I came to the forum to ask:

I've been playing Eufloria (it's awesome folks, really. I'm a board game lover and Eufloria feels a lot like a good one) but sometimes I want to play it on Windows (Steam). Is there a way to transfer saves between the two? I mean, maybe I can just drop the savegame to my dropbox account and get on the other device...

Eufloria HD is not yet released Steam.

If saves work across platforms it's pure luck. There are many reasons why they may not but you can always try. Only one file contains progression, the other is system specific (and a third is the level in progress save).

We may have a solution for android but it would not be implemented until our big summer update I'm afraid.


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