Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Dwarf Planets Map (Fixed)

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Dwarf Planets is a map with large bodies, each surrounded with smaller ones. I've wanted to play a map like this for a while, but couldn't find anything on the forums. After looking at the .level and .lua files from the built-in maps, I see why. Generating this map is done mostly through scripting, since I can't figure out how to express what I want through the XML while still maintaining the random aspect to maps. For those who want to go digging, the .lua file is somewhat parameterized, so you can change the kind of map you get with just a few changes to the source.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what parameters I can use to make the AI more aggressive, I would love to hear from you.

My first attempt at making a Eufloria map, suggestions are appreciated.


Edit: Something is going wrong with my editor or my filesystem -- The map that was originally posted is nothing like what I intended. I have uploaded a fixed copy now.

Downloaded this :>  I have to go to work now but I will check it out tonight.

My friend Smokey just played this on my computer, and I watched.  Now I've been diggin around in your code to see how you've done it :>


How are you making the text at the start appear?
What does this line refer to??

--- Code: ---MessageBox("01a_01")
--- End code ---

i r confused... ^^  how does that equal "- BINARY GIANTS -" text at the start of the level?  What is 01a_01?

Anyway, yea.. This is good work for your first attempt :>  To make the AI a bit harder, I have a few suggestions.

Add the following lines just above -- Asteroid 0:

--- Code: --- GetAI(2).Cowardice = 0.2
GetAI(2).MinExpansionForce = 10
GetAI(2).BattleSavvy = 0.1
GetAI(2).ReinforcementGreed = 0.9
GetAI(2).GreedyExpansion = 0.9
GetAI(2).AidEnthusiasm = 0.9
GetAI(2).ExpandBlind = 0.9
GetAI(2).ExpandToValuableAsteroidChance = 0.5
--- End code ---

Those are the settings I used for Fluffy Land, and they seem to result in a pretty decent AI on that map.  You should probably tinker with it a bit to fine tune it for your map's layout though.

I would also suggest turning the flower probability down a little bit, by adding this line in with your other Globals:

--- Code: ---Globals.Structures.FlowerProbability=(0.1)
--- End code ---

Change the number in brackets to change the chance of a flower spawning.

You can use lots of decimal places if you like, I would suggest to make it quite hard for the player, turn the flower probability down to about 0.05
Then 1 in 20 dyson trees will make a flower - they will be truly precious.

Finally, I strongly suggesting greatly increasing the number of seedlings added to -- Asteroid 23

Currently you have a:AddSeedlings(40), I would suggest having more like 200...

I noticed you don't have any win conditions.  I made a guide to show you how to do this, if you wanna check that out :>  Steps 39-41.

So, something is going wrong with my editor or my file system -- The map that was originally posted is nothing like what I intended. I have uploaded a fixed copy now.

Something was causing the file to occasionally revert to a really early copy of the file, but my editor could still read the newer version from somewhere. I think I started making this by modifying Binary Giants, so it may have reverted to a copy of Binary Giants :/. It looks like they have hard-coded strings such as "01a_01" to get replaced by other strings when loaded. Why they did this, I'm not sure.

Anyways, the map that is up there now is the map that I intended to share. As before, feedback is appreciated.

Will check it out tonight :>


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