Eufloria > Eufloria Classic


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Hey guys,
I've been playing your game for a while and after I offered Alex to help you with the game, I decided to write some thoughts down which came during my session.
Alex did already tell me that the game is far from being complete or perfect but I hope my suggestions can help you a bit.

- The Asteroid
In my opinion, the interaction with the asteroid itself should be better. Maybe you can make the game more tactical if you can deside where to build the trees.

- The Seedlings
The idea of directing them indirectly is nice, reminds me of Darwinia, but defining the amount of seedlings should be solved in a different way. In dangerous situations, when big green ones attack for example, clicking the right mouse button and holding it up to 30 or 40 can waste a lot of important time.
Like candlejack already wrote, there should be a more detailed control of the Dysons.

- attack of the enemies
Alex already said that the respawn time still has to be balanced.
But it can be very frustrating if the "strongest" asteroid is next to yours in Level 1 and you get killed after 5 minutes.
Maybe there has to be kind of a visible classification of which asteroid has stronger enemies than others.
This maybe can be shown with the size or the color of the asteroid.

Also you could make it that only the asteroids around your own can attack your enemies. So the game is not unfair anymore in some situations (I got attacked by 4 enemies at the same time in Level 2)

Thats it from me right now, I hope my post is helpful.

I want to add a thought:

- Difficulty
I got huge problems in starting Level 2 because the enemy already has got a lot of units and they are stronger than mine. So in my last session, I couldn't even reach a second asteroid before they attacked my base and I went game over, yeah, after 4 minutes. And not just once, no, four times in a row.
Maybe you should integrate a parameter to avoid enemy attacks during the first 3 minutes - or until the player starts moving to another asteroid - so the seedlings can grow.

- growing time
maybe you should regulate the growing time. It takes a bit too long to actually start to take over an asteroid because you have to wait very long to have at least 30 seedlings to start any attack.
Just my 2 cents.  

Thanks again for all the feedback guys/gals! Luckily , most of  the suggestions and or issues are actually already covered by our plans, and they are in the pipeline for implementation. On top of that there will be some serious additions that should surprise you, hopefully in a positive way.

I am going to update the FAQ soon to reflect some of our plans so watch this space!


--- Quote from: "Alex" ---With the UI, I'm in full agreement. We've had to use a certain extent of text and numbers just to get the information out there. Developing a completely symbolic UI I think will be time consuming, and so far we've not had enough time, or had higher priorities. But yes, In keeping with the ambient aesthetics of the game, iot would be good to have as little "HUD" as possible, incorporating all that info seamlessly into the game's graphics.
--- End quote ---
One suggestion referring to the Core Energy.
In my opinion just a number is not interesting here. What about making a green energy-circle around the core to indicate the cores energy?

Kinda like that:
(I can't draw)

Some stray thoughts on the subject: As several people have noted, the relatively simple design, as well as the aesthetics/ambience, is a major appeal of the game. I agree that several good ideas have been brought up in this thread. For instance, being able to send seedlings away from neutral/hostile asteroids would be nice. Way points could also be very useful, if implemented smoothly. At the same time, I'm confident that the design will be kept minimalistic. It would obviously be a shame to have eg. a complex hierarchy of breedable trees, à la cities in (the board game) Settlers of Catan, or technology levels in games like Warcraft.

I've been thinking a possible way of selecting chunks of seedlings, would be with a kind of mouse gestures. Say you hold the button and scoop out a portion of seedlings from around an asteroid, and you get an approximate percentage. I guess you could even mark groups of asteroids in this way, for example to set a common way point (send all spawned seedlings from all these asteroids to this one asteroid).

Trying to imagine new kinds of seedlings and trees is of course tempting. But again, some of the immediate appeal would disappear if the player had to learn to understand a big rule set. I think one way to do it, would be to work on differentiating the asteroids more.  There is already the system with force/strength/speed, which is a bit sketchy in the current version? I'm sure there are other ways to make asteroids interesting, as well. For example, different asteroids could have varying degrees of fertility within one map. In a barren galaxy, you might see asteroids that can only hold two trees (but maybe even an occational four). This could make certain places more lucrative to invade or use as a base. It also struck me that a weed might be an interesting feature, that doesn't involve a higher degree of complexity to the player. Simply a tree that sprouts and occupies one "tree slot" of an asteroid, but doesn't spawn seedlings or serve any other purpose (that sounds easy, but I'm sure it would lead to some very difficult design decisions). Thinking of the Little prince, I guess Baobab tree would be the right name (:

Very well. I'm just adding a cheer to the crowd, and hoping you can get some inspiration from my ramblings.


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