Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

RingDesigner - Map Editor

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Lost Seedling:

--- Quote ---And what do you mean by display? If you hover over the asteroid you'll see the values? Explain
--- End quote ---

I just meant in a future update perhaps showing the actual values of the radius, senddistance,  and coordinates as they are being adjusted. Unless I am not seeing something, it would be good to know what these values are without having to wait until the map file has been created. Right now, I have no way of knowing what radius or senddistance I am creating. So, it is hard to envision how the seedlings will interact within the map. Is the radius of the asteroid I just created 10, 100, 1000?  I can't tell. I'm sure as I experiment in the future, and learn how big the grid sectors are, it will become more intuitive. Just a suggestion for a future version since I don't have the ability to do it myself!

i can fix that, it's simple as hell :)


--- Quote from: Lost Seedling on July 30, 2011, 12:39:58 PM ---
--- Quote ---And what do you mean by display? If you hover over the asteroid you'll see the values? Explain
--- End quote ---

... showing the actual values of the radius, senddistance,  and coordinates as they are being adjusted...

--- End quote ---
i agree. an excellent idea indeed :)

I've fixed that already :P

Lost Seedling:
Oh Yeah! Nice job. Things keep gettin' better and better! I can hardly wait to see the next Eufloria toy- 3D rotating cubes rallying in a minimap?


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