I'm currently playing this game on my PS3 found a bug.
I tried to get the trophy "Pacifism" (Complete "Protection" without destroying anyone else's trees.)
the first time I beat the level (17) I was stupid enough to take over a planet to protect grey,
so I went back and tried it again (was a bit harder now, I was pretty lucky with the first time).
and on my 2nd try I had done it, completed the level (so grey didn't go below 50) and I didn't destroy any trees.
I didn't even attack a planet that had trees on it, but I did take some planets that had just some guys swarming around it.
now I know patching stuff using PSN isn't the easyest thing, but would you mind looking into it for me?
or is the trophy for not attacking anyone? (I had it before that the trophy said to do one thing, but you where required to do something else...)
thanks in advance,
EDIT: other glitches/bugs:
I got the trophy for destroying 200 enamies in 1 attack while I was preparing for battle. this was right after 2 enamies had a major clash so I guess it poped cos they did it.
sometimes when I try to send everybody from 1 planet to another it just sendts them to a planet I didn't want to select. for some reason it's like I let go of the button too early without accualy doing that...
the zoom fuction isn't perfect too, ti's not bugged or anything, but when I look at the PC version where you can see all planets it's quite anoying when it automaticly zooms out when sending troops (well not completely but it tents to zoom out as far as posseble and most of the time this isn't needed. also when you attack a big planet in the beginning of a level you can't always see the whole planet, most of the time it''s not a problem, but when it's a big battle I like to watch it up close and I can barely see half the planet now.