Eufloria > Eufloria Classic


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Hi Rollins! That is monumentally generous of you. Thank you for the offer. We haven't put up a donation box yet, but we're hoping to get that done soon. We are planning to make Dyson into a game we can sell, or at least sell a portion of, which should be interesting. That won't be for a while, but yeah. Heads up. All news will be well broadcasted

Count me in the "loving this game" camp, but I also have a few suggestions to throw in...

Mostly, I'd love to see some sort of territory system, or maybe just beef up the defensive capabilities of an individual asteroid.  As-is, I can have an asteroid with a full six trees, 100+ seedlings, and even with a force that size, the AI only needs to take out a single tree and get maybe 10 seedlings into the core to take the planet over.  Now not only have I lost a good source of production, but if I want to retake it, I've got to sacrifice enough seedlings to take over the core, plus another 50 to plant the additional five trees again.  Perhaps make it so that the asteroid can't be captured until all trees are destroyed, giving trees more value than just production.

The whole idea of "territory" comes from the fact that aside from one playthrough of the game, every attempt has come down to huge swarms of AI fighters floating around the map and swarming all over my territories as soon as I move enough ships off it to take it over.  I can't order the ships back until they get where they're going, so I have to pull them from surroundnig territories, leaving them exposed.  So, when the attackers see the cavalry coming to them, they always take off running and end up capturing at least one or two of the asteroids that the other ships came from.  And since it takes far fewer attackers to take over an asteroid than it does to re-establish one, I end up slowly losing ships at best, or in a long, drawn-out stalemate at worst.  I was thinking that maybe some sort of bonus for adjacent asteroids would be useful to help with this:  You could capture any asteroid at any time, but having adjacent ones to the one you're capturing will make it easier (less ships to take the core or something).  This way an enemy could still attempt a risky attack into the heart of your turf if they wanted, but they wouldn't be able to completely steamroll your defenders as easily as they can now.  Similarly, this could also be helped by making ships orbiting asteroids attack passing enemies.  You could then just stack certain asteroids with ships to defend certain areas.

Trees:  It'd be nice to have a list of the current tree status on a given asteroid on the prompt on the lower right (the one with the "plant" button).  As-is, if I'm rebuilding an asteroid that just got attacked, I have no idea how many trees it has without either zooming way in or mousing over the asteroid itself.  On a related note, I think my most wanted feature is some sort of "always on" indicator of how many trees an asteroid has.  You can get a good feel for the number of ships orbiting an asteroid by the density of dots surrounding it, but when I'm controlling half the map and just had ten random asteroids attacked, I hate having to mouse over every single one to make sure that they're all at 6/6.

My suggestion is adding to the FAQ the estimated time of arrival of a mac version, or whether or not one is coming at all.  I haven't actually played this game yet, but it looks great!


--- Quote from: "Vlad" ---Count me in the "loving this game" camp, but I also have a few suggestions to throw in...

Mostly, I'd love to see some sort of territory system, or maybe just beef up the defensive capabilities of an individual asteroid.  As-is, I can have an asteroid with a full six trees, 100+ seedlings, and even with a force that size, the AI only needs to take out a single tree and get maybe 10 seedlings into the core to take the planet over.  Now not only have I lost a good source of production, but if I want to retake it, I've got to sacrifice enough seedlings to take over the core, plus another 50 to plant the additional five trees again.  Perhaps make it so that the asteroid can't be captured until all trees are destroyed, giving trees more value than just production.

The whole idea of "territory" comes from the fact that aside from one playthrough of the game, every attempt has come down to huge swarms of AI fighters floating around the map and swarming all over my territories as soon as I move enough ships off it to take it over.  I can't order the ships back until they get where they're going, so I have to pull them from surroundnig territories, leaving them exposed.  So, when the attackers see the cavalry coming to them, they always take off running and end up capturing at least one or two of the asteroids that the other ships came from.  And since it takes far fewer attackers to take over an asteroid than it does to re-establish one, I end up slowly losing ships at best, or in a long, drawn-out stalemate at worst.  I was thinking that maybe some sort of bonus for adjacent asteroids would be useful to help with this:  You could capture any asteroid at any time, but having adjacent ones to the one you're capturing will make it easier (less ships to take the core or something).  This way an enemy could still attempt a risky attack into the heart of your turf if they wanted, but they wouldn't be able to completely steamroll your defenders as easily as they can now.  Similarly, this could also be helped by making ships orbiting asteroids attack passing enemies.  You could then just stack certain asteroids with ships to defend certain areas.

Trees:  It'd be nice to have a list of the current tree status on a given asteroid on the prompt on the lower right (the one with the "plant" button).  As-is, if I'm rebuilding an asteroid that just got attacked, I have no idea how many trees it has without either zooming way in or mousing over the asteroid itself.  On a related note, I think my most wanted feature is some sort of "always on" indicator of how many trees an asteroid has.  You can get a good feel for the number of ships orbiting an asteroid by the density of dots surrounding it, but when I'm controlling half the map and just had ten random asteroids attacked, I hate having to mouse over every single one to make sure that they're all at 6/6.
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I like your ideas, but, just on a strategy note, right now the game is really offense-based, and so defense doesn't work very well. You have to go on the offensive. I can take the whole belt in about 20 minutes by just sending out scouts as quickly as I can to all the asteroids, finding the ones that are uninhabited. Then, you start end out teams of around 10 to 20 seeds to every one of those asteroids, not even planting any trees. You use the seeds that are too far from the frontlines to be of any help in offense to plant a few trees on the choice asteroids, and build up large militias, which you then you use those to squash roving bands of enemies and the local asteroids they own.

Rollins B.:

--- Quote from: "ryandaniels" ---
--- Quote from: "Vlad" ---Count me in the "loving this game" camp, but I also have a few suggestions to throw in...
--- End quote ---

I like your ideas, but, just on a strategy note, right now the game is really offense-based...
--- End quote ---

I have to agree with Ryan that the game is a lot about offense, but Vlad's ideas are pure gold. I do find it frustrating to see a swarm of AI opponents pass 3 feet away from an occupied planet and my warriors do jack s**t about it.

What I'd add to Vlad's defense idea's would be the capability to run patrols. The game could actually do this for you. It could simply take about a third of an asteroids population and distribute it to any close by asteroids. If it does this again and again, you'd end up having a practically endless flow of seedlings patrolling around your owned territories. Of course, this system could be super hard to implement, so it might just be a better idea to have a player controlled patrolling mode.

Once you selected the size of your patrol force, you could chose a path for them to continuously take. They'd proceed to skip form asteroid to asteroid, pausing at each for a couple of seconds, and continuing on if no enemies are detected. The only problem I can see right know is how to select said patrols for reassignment or otherwise. Another panel bound to a certain key, lets say "P", could be popped up and down to see all patrols currently running. They could then be individually selected for editing or to be called of for a more specific task.


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