Eufloria > Eufloria HD Mods
Calling all modders
Lost Seedling:
--- Quote from: Rudolf on June 29, 2012, 04:26:36 AM ---..people haven't touched visuals of seedlings and other Euflorian life forms and objects that much yet...
--- End quote ---
"Yet?". Are you implying that it is currently possible to alter or modify the appearance of these things? If so, I wish I knew how! If not, that would indeed be a very welcome capability for modders in the future.
I don't think you can do that in the original but rudolf will tell me if i'm wrong.
I am working on that code next week though so I can start exposing variables... Main issue is trying to avoid values which crash the app or cause other problems. Some of the code is quite tightly integrated and exposing them may take a lot of related work.
I am pretty sure Alex exposed some rendering stuff. He showed me some examples of c
New visuals people can create, but I am not sure how much of that actually made it into the game.
I will check with him.
However, There is a lot that can be exposed I reckon.
I gave people the ability to draw. This did allow people to add their own visuals to what's there already, but you had to know where the thing was that you wanted to draw on, and you couldn't alter the existing graphics. So for instance, annikk.exe created a starfield and various other things. You'd have to keep track of each seedling you wanted to draw over in your own lua code, which isn't sensible. It was good for UIs.
Also these drawing routines were not ported over into the PS3 or iOS versions, as it wasn't deemed necessary and time was short. So they would need to be reimplemented.
I would say a good thing to do would be to allow seedlings or perhaps a more basic game entity class to substitute their render or update functions with a lua function. In this way the modders would have total control over a game entity.
Good idea batman. It's like you know this game or something ;)
I had been mulling over the idea of a generic entity which could be handled from lua only tho I think this would have to wait until a future version/sequel rather than the current eufloria hd. I can foresee various issues without some tweaking at the moment. Saves will also be very easy to break with inappropriate scripting.
The list of 'wants' is building :)
Rudolf, have you designed a sequel yet?
Multiplayer, editor, proper custom user level/campaign system, and modding additions are all on the list!
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