Wine-1.2 did go final - Eufloria (patched to 2.05) still running near perfect with linux-2.6.34 (or better that includes the patch)
Same goes for crossover-games in it's latest public beta incantation (it's based on the wine-1.2 tree), so seedlings are
happy there as well. I sometimes get some 'odd' behavior but neither appears to be a real show stopper. I can't recall
which couple of levels did it, but upon completing them Eufloria.exe, wine et_al all disappeared....not so much looking
like a wine crash but more resembling a terminal failure of the sig11 kind...perhaps it even smashed X or the nvidia
driver code on the way out. I never really checked - immediately restarting Eufloria revealed that it had indeed recorded
you'd successfully completed the previous level, and life as we know it continues on as per normal...
I get very occasional white flashing to never seems to break or crash anything, nor distract from the game itself.
I hadn't actually noticed this in dmm to be honest, so perhaps I have another thought about where this might be coming any event, I kinda like the effect, 'coz it suddenly jolts your thoughts into thinking something's happening you
ought to be aware of when the universe is actually quiet on all fronts <grin>...
Thanks for the Ubuntu details - I'll be able to cross-pollinate that info over at CWHQ/WineHQ to ease people's pain. level named 200....hmmm, challenging...