Hey all, the game is not abandoned you crazy people. We love you all too much for that!
Annik has it right, it has been shockingly busy. Have a moment to consider what kind of companies normally release ps3 games, and what size their teams are. Then compare to how many people the Eufloria Team consists of and pause for a sec. :-)
I know the site and the forum is badly neglected, and that is very upsetting to us as well, but we basically haven't even had enough time to do the work needed for the ps3 release, hence it's later arrival. (Rather late and good than on time and poor)
Here is the current situation.: The game is in test at both SCEE and SCEA, and we have had a first round of bug fixes. There are a few final bugs to fix left, and after that the title will be finished, and will be approved for publication on PSN. Now, it is important to note that this is not an immediate next step. Sony will wait at least three weeks after signoff to release the game, so it will likely be mid August.
The good news:
The game is MUCH BETTER now with the PSN advances
Sony are really behind it
These advances will also end up in the PC game, where it makes sense
There will be a MAC version
The iTHING port is also going well!
So, far from abandoning you lovely people we are actually hard hard hard at work to make the game better. :-D
We do need to update the site though, which I will do fairly soon.
Also, remember you can see loads of updates on our twitter accounts, and on my wenbsites at:
www.omni-labs.com and
www.rudolfkremers.comProper news appears on twitter first though. Our accounts are: @RudolfKremers (that is me) and @psychicteeth
for Alex :-)