Eufloria > Eufloria Classic

Psn gets it first

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i Gues from the video that psn players get a newer version of the eufloria first. I dont want to complain to much but eufloria was started on pc wasn't it. i just wonder when the time pc players get to experience the newest of eufloria. i cant wait  ???  :P .any one agree .well :: point being when do pc players get the update

As for me, despite the fact that I don't have PSN (ain't wanting it ever), I do highly appreciate the sight of the game moving on to the new market fields. It's always good if the software that you do like (whether it's a game or not) helps its developers feel positive feedback through income increase. Also, a bit of patience never hurts. The longer you crave for something, the more joy that something will deliver when you finally get it (hope i'm not messed much in English here)

Yeah, awesome that the game moves on to new platforms. The game deserves more :D

Also, on that note; how many buyers are there? Maybe A&R can answer, if they wanna?

And Collapsoul, don't worry about your English, it's perfect :P

I think we are proaching160k users now. Mst of that has been cheap deals and bundles of course...

160 k??

Even is it's cheap bundles or anything, that's A LOT!


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