Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Addict Wants More !!
--- Quote ---New units: A new plant will automate troop movements, while a new tree type helps terraform asteroids (both visually and to change the attributes of the seedlings grown on it)
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That IS coming for PC? It must, even though it screws up my CC...
Eufloria PSN Trailer
Eufloria PSN Alternate Trailer
Eufloria PSN Trailer - HD
(official trailer)
But IMHO the most interesting video is this one:
Holy Moly, now I just wanna grab the PS3 and play, unfortionatly I don't have my PS3 availible(divorced parents, grrr...) and it isn't released yet...
By the way, a cool feature for the game is that the grays and the new atmoflower coming, you can make the atmosphere it creates toxic for the grey seedlings. Cause from what I've noticed, grey asteroids don't have atmospheres... Thats just an idea though,a nd it shouldn't be highly damaging either!
--- Quote from: Fergy1337 on July 29, 2011, 02:52:07 AM ---Good to know , i dont think the community is in anyway short of some of the huge ones , yous help each other out and thats what makes a good community wether its massive or relativly small , this game rocks really does, i play Terraria atm too and even got one of the Mods there playing and he felt the same i think the convo went , *mod*-*dude is that worth getting* *me*-*im really enjoying it try the demo* 5 min pause or so *mod*-*DUDEEEEE THIS ROCKS !!!!!*
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Hyperactive typing much?
--- Quote ---Hyperactive typing much?
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Only after cabbage ;)
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