Eufloria > Eufloria Classic Mods

Lua scripting in Eufloria - reference

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Oh, i made a draw polygon somewheres around. Want a link?

Yes of course. Why doesn't this game have a proper wiki?

Lost Seedling:
Regarding the GetFactionColor commands- Sometimes the values returned are spot-on to what they look like on the screen. Most of the time, unfortunately, they are not even close. I've spent many hours the last few weeks trying to use the colors returned to match Draw commands, and I'm convinced it is a hopeless pursuit. I thought perhaps it was a problem with the RGB values being switched around vs. the RBG values in some of the  Draw functions, but it turned out not to be the case. Weird.


The arguments X and Y are arrays of the co-ordinates of the vetices.

BC wins:

--- Quote from: annikk.exe on February 11, 2010, 07:37:11 AM ---I'm not that hardcore :<

--- End quote ---

Good joke  :P


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