Eufloria > Eufloria Classic
Personally I'd rather you didn't realise any version as open source, as to some extent that would split the community.
Mhm, ye :/
Don't release any source code :P
--- Quote from: Pilchard123 on August 05, 2011, 02:11:02 AM ---You may just find this annoying, my harping on about this, but I reckon I could work out something useful even without the source. Tell me to shut up if you want me to.
Would the following be something like the GetAsteroid() binding, assuming the class/namespace (I think namespace, but not sure) that GetAsteroid() is in is called eufloriagame.
--- Code: ---
def("GetAsteroid", &eufloriagame::GetAsteroid)
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
Yeah that's the kind of thing :)
BC wins:
so will it be harder to make ouw own levels now ? :( with this new version :(
No, we'll just be sent back to the basics...
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