Eufloria > Eufloria HD Support

Terraforming Queue Bug

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On level 8, Fight or Flight regular mode. I grow a terraforming tree and my seedings line up outside of the tree by the hundreds even if I am only doing a 2 seedling upgrade. They don't enter the tree (I assume that is what they are supposed to do.) and they line up outside, I lose control of them and they don't respond to enemies, and enemies don't attack them.

Did some digging and I couldn't find anything on this, and nothing I do in game is fixing it. Reloaded the game twice, so any help would be great!

So the seedlings never make it to be terraformed? I will have a look at this tomorrow.

What platform?

Sorry, was going to put that in, Macintosh.

A quick screenshot, the seedlings just fly in, line up and stay there like hummingbirds. This is on a 2 seedling upgrade.

While I'm not the OP I wanted to let you know I'm experiencing the same issue.

Platform: Windows
OS: Windows 7 64 bit

I bought the game from the HumbleBundle.
The start up screen in the bottom left corner shows: V1.0(382)

Can one of you guys PM me your email address? The terraform tree isn't growing correctly due to a timing issue which we can fix. I'm not sure why the seedlings aren't being absorbed as we can't replicate that, but the tree fix may be sufficient.

EDIT: Are you running on a CRT / do you know what your video card's refresh rate is (probably find this on your video card properties). And what 'speed' setting it the game at? I wouldn't be surprised if some of the trees don't unfold correctly. You may also find that the bug goes away if you zoom all the way out / pan off the screen and back on.


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